Thomas De Reyck's Blog

Removing a Windows recovery partition

When extending a C: drive, the Windows recovery partition may be blocking you. As the recovery partition is protected, you cannot remove it with diskmgmt.msc. But you can remove it with diskpart:

Open a terminal and enter:


Then, list all disks:

list disk

Take note of the number of the disk that has the recovery partition. Probably, this will be disk 0. We’ll therefor use that number going forward.

Choose the disk we want to work with:

select disk 0

List the partitions on the disk:

list partition

Note down the number of the recovery partition. For me, it’s 4.

Select that partition:

select partition 4

Then, delete it, overriding its protection:

delete partition override

You will see a confirmation that the partition has been deleted. You can now use diskmgmt.msc to extend your C: drive.

#disk partitioning #diskpart